Dec 6, 2023
Nov 1, 2023
CanCon connoisseur Geoff Clarke genuflects with us before author Greg Keyes, who keys into the precise kind of New Jedi Order entry we've been demanding: an intimate character study with a healthy dose of sympathetic Vong (sorry, Yuuzhan Vong) to root for. It's also a surprising love letter to those Junior Jedi Knights...
Oct 4, 2023
Slip on your most ghoulish gablith masquer for a Young Jedi Knights Club Spooktacular! Hear us conjure up our favorite frights from the year 2000, revel in Kathy Tyers' wicked character work, and determine the "Halloweeniest" moments of Balance Point, whatever the stang that means... Just don't let a whisperkit...
Sep 6, 2023
The Agents of Chaos duology concludes in a plate-spinning yarn dripping with Hutt Stuff and a side of Jedi-smothered hash browns. Eric Ambler snaps on a slap-bracelet-like amphistaff and boards the matte black Falcon to help us grapple with the inhumanity of superweapons, both in the real world and in this book, as we...
Aug 2, 2023
Han gets the Solo adventure we’ve been craving, but more importantly, for a page or two, we get to welcome back our favorite forsaken Young Jedi Knights! Agent of chaos Barm returns to the podcast for more "Stephen King bullsh*t," real talk about the art-life balance, and an appraisal of James Luceno's reference-heavy...